Motivating the metabolically challenged

NO ONE is more metabolically challenged than I am.

I’ve been walking steadily (on average 4 times per week) for 4 months.  With a week off for surgery.  I’ve walked through almost every kind of weather.  The first 2 months, only 2 miles per day – but  4 miles per day for the  last 2 months.  Yay for me!

The sum total of my weight loss?  ONE whole pound.

So – I must be filling up on brownies and potato chips, right?  Not with my gall bladder.  It would bark big time.  I’ve been keeping pretty close track, and I eat between 1500 & 1800 calories per day.  I know, I know.  I COULD go down to 1200 a day.  But I am not a martyr.  Weight loss is not worth that kind of sacrifice to me.  I’ll just be chubby.  And I will keep on walking.


IT’S TOO COLD OUT – Don’t be a whimp.  Walk fast.  Dress in layers.  Breathe in that fresh air.

IT’S TOO HOT OUT – The devil is whispering that in my ear these days.  So – get a hat, remember to drink more, wear lighter clothes, wrap a wet bandana around your neck.  Take shorter walks till you get used to it.

IT’S BORING – Get yourself an ipod and sing all the way through it.  No one can hear you and complain.  Or round up a walking companion.  That doesn’t work for me, because I am looking to get away from people.

I DON’T HAVE TIME TO WALK – Go right before or after work.  Everyone can grab at least a half hour.  And just think how much fun it will be to blow off that annoying voice whispering in your ear about all the stuff you need to do at home. You don’t have to walk every day.  Every other day is fine.

(MY FAVORITE) IT’S A PAIN TO CHANGE INTO WALKING CLOTHES – Channel June Cleaver like I do.  Wear what you usually wear to work, then just put on your jacket/hoodie/walking vest and sun visor, grab a water bottle and go.  Then laugh yourself silly when you’ve walked 2 miles and realize that you are probably the only person around wearing a hoodie and pearls.

I NEVER LOSE WEIGHT ANYWAY –   So what?  The walking has improved my energy and disposition, AND it has raised my good cholesterol & my bone density while lowering my blood pressure.  So – go out and get your vital statistics before you start, and repeat them after a few months so that you can measure improvement chemically, if not via the scale.

So – that is the Trudge Report for January through April.  Happy May!!

A gift of talent

I have a wonderful student who I will miss very much next year. This is how I described him in a college recommendation letter:

He is a scholar – a seeker of knowledge and understanding. Curiosity drives him. He is never completely satisfied with an answer – there is always one more side of the story to study, one more question to ask, one more hypothesis to test, one more insight to express. He is multi-talented. I have seen the spark of passion in his historical, scientific, literary and artistic studies. He has the kind of mind that will one day bring new, vibrant ideas & discoveries to whatever field he chooses. That will be the biggest challenge he will face – where to focus his prodigious abilities and passions. I will be excited to find out what field of study finally captures his renaissance mind.

I mentioned to him that I often think and write about the effects (good and bad) of  the merger of humans with information technology.  My divided mind. What is the net result of this merge?  Does it allow us to enhance our learning, our impact on the world, and ultimately our humanity? Or do we risk losing touch with that humanity?

Turns out – he is developing an art portfolio that examines the man/machine connection.  He promised that his next piece would examine my ideas and concerns.   He just finished the piece, and he has given me permission to use the digital image.

Here it is.  I am so honored to be able to share it on my blog.  I forgot to ask if it had a title. If it does – I will add that information.

By Ernesto G. (please click to enlarge picture)


Monthly Trudge Report

Still walking – and enjoying it. The weather has mostly been cooperating and I am now up to 50 minutes a day. Mostly 4 days a week. When not meetinged-to-death, it can be as many as 5 days.

Most weekends, I take a break. But if weather or meetings have prevented 2 days of walking – then I will take an hour out of the weekend to “trudge.”

No surprise weight loss of course. As per my usual pattern, I gain and lose the same 3 pounds. But the benefits in how I feel are worth the effort.

The Trudge Report – Week of Feb. 8

Still going strong with the walking.  Today was particularly beautiful.

I also went to the doctor this week and my blood tests reinforce the benefits.  My good cholesterol is up 6 points.  My bone scan results are very encouraging as well.  Although I can’t really credit the walking with that yet – as I had not been walking regularly when that test was done.  Still – I expect the next one will be even better.  This scan improvement is because of mega doses of calcium and vitamin D.  My doctor is not a believer in the much-advertised bone-building meds such as Boniva and Fosamax.  She told me a year ago that she had seen as much improvement with calcium and D  – and the quality of bone growth is better – not as brittle.

So – all of this is a consolation prize for the fact that I’ve not only NOT lost weight – I have actually gained 2 pounds.  Oh well.   The improvement in health is good enough to keep me going.  Maybe some day the old metabolism will kick into at least second gear!

The Trudge Report

Still continuing my walking regimen.

Was going to miss my walk on Monday because of a meeting – but then I realized if I walked to the other school and walked back, I’d get  in almost the same time.

Yesterday was gorgeous.  A little chilly but refreshing.

I don’t pay much attention to distance.  I just walk for 20 minutes and then turn around and come back.  Yesterday I noticed that I’d walked for 2.5 miles, which is probably almost a mile further than when I started out.  So – my pace is picking up.

Another good sign.  I get crabby if something interferes with my walk.  This is MY time – and it makes me easier to live with the rest of the day 🙂