SOS – Need Examples of Student Blogs/Wikis/Web 2.0 Projects

I am begging in the blogosphere again. Any and all ideas gratefully accepted.

All suggestions will be posted here.

At our last School Improvement Team meeting, we talked about creating a new educational vision for our school that would better prepare students to compete in a “flat world”. To use a cliché – our team needs to “think outside the box” about how we might reorganize our school’s schedule, curriculum etc. to foster creativity and inventiveness in our students – in spite of NCLB. Naturally I am talking to my teammates about how Web 2.0 technologies are essential to that new vision. However, very few members of the team are familiar with these technologies. I am sure what I tell them seems very hypothetical and difficult to understand without the opportunity to see real life student web 2.0 projects. Because of all my reading I have more theoretical understanding than the others on the team but, other than this blog, I have very little “hands on” experience.

It would help to see some real projects done by real kids using social networking technology. Can anyone out there in the blogosphere help me? I would really like to show our planning team examples of schools using blogs and wikis (or email at the very least) to work on collaborative projects – projects that involve working with other schools or with content experts, whether those schools/experts are down the street, in the next school district, in another state, or across the world. How can I find examples of student blogs/wikis etc. and/or descriptions by the teachers that are coordinating such projects?

If you have any ideas for me, I hope you will share. I will consolidate the comments and eventually add them to the bottom of this post for everyone’s convenience.

Again – all suggestions will be posted here.

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