Libraries Irrelevant??

Only if librarians let it happen.  But I am ever more encouraged that this won’t happen.  As long as there are ever more teacher-librarians like Cathy Nelson we are safe. Fighting Ambiguity and Irrelevancy

Though..I do find myself frustrated by occasional articles in the popular press that have NO IDEA what actually goes on in a good, relevant library like Cathy’s.  I wonder if there are still a significant number librarians out there still cling to the outdated concept of Library as Book Depository?  Good public and school libraries have actually NEVER been that.  It is the myth that is hard to kill.  Years ago, one of my teachers made a very interesting observation that was very accurate and prescient.

The Library As Convention Center?



Are we all stuck in big-little boxes?

Little boxes on the hillside,
Little boxes made of ticky tacky,
Little boxes on the hillside,
Little boxes all the same.
There’s a green one and a pink one
And a blue one and a yellow one,
And they’re all made out of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same.
“Little Boxes” is a song written by Malvina Reynolds in 1962, which became a hit for her friend Pete Seeger in 1963. (Wikipedia)
 I remember hearing that song as a young teenager.  I liked the sing-song, childlike tune….but I remember finding it very depressing.  The idea of everyone being exactly the same… widgets on an assembly line, even when leaving work and coming home.  Horrible!
Well…our little boxes have grown exponentially in the decades since then.  A little house is now an oddity.  Living in one is definitely thinking out of the box.  I am reading a book now called “You can buy happiness (and it’s cheap)“. Very interesting ideas on how to simplify your life and save money so you can spend it on experiences and relationships and volunteer opportunities rather than stuff.
Anyway, the author and her husband bought a “tiny house” on wheels. They pay rent to friends so they can park the house in their back yard and have access to utilities and garbage service.  You can see numerous photos on this link:
I toured a tiny house at the Wayne County Fair last year.  It must have been a little bigger than this one…but it was still tiny.  There was room for a small sofa and two chairs in the living space, a kitchen the size of a largish RV and a bedroom downstairs AND a loft upstairs. Lots of fun to look at. But it never occurred to me that anyone would live in one full time. I thought it was more of a vacation home.
But now I know this is a whole new lifestyle. I can see how it would be very freeing to unload most of your stuff. Also, the idea of being able to move relatively easily is intriguing. Owning two small pieces of land in two different parts of the country and moving the house from one to the other seasonally is quite appealing. Or parking it in our children’s back yards….. They would probably have nightmares just thinking about it! I’d never get Bob to go for this, but it is interesting to think about.
We are all so bound up in what is the “American Dream”.  We don’t necessarily question the path that society has laid out for us.
My privilege as a librarian was to get to know those kids who were “different”.  The industrial revolution’s model of school was designed to set people on the path to those “little (or big) boxes on the hilltop”.  We wanted our students to go through the system smoothly, listen dutifully, take notes, fill in the bubbles on the standardized tests.  Those “different” kids were the loose wingnuts in the system.  The ones who just did not do what they were supposed to do.  But listening to them was a privilege. God bless them. I hope they find their place in the world, and the world can appreciate their creativity!
Our school once conducted a grand experiment.  We asked for volunteers for an Acadmic Challenge Event. Next we set up 2 teams of mixed grade levels and mixed academic abilities.  Oddly enough…the challenge we set for them was to design an environmentally friendly house, and “sell” that house to a group of judges that were recruited from local realtors and other business people.  The houses they designed were amazing.  But the best thing about it was how creative both teams were, and how OBSESSED they were on working overtime to produce the best design possible.  All in two days.  It was a perfect model of what integrated learning and the Common Core was SUPPOSED to do.
It was great to see the kids discover their strengths and recognize the out of the box thinking that the “different” kids brought to the task.  One of the best experiences of my career.  It was EXCITING!!!
Could we get the majority of teachers on staff to be interested in teaching that way?  No.  But it was a shining example of how to get students engaged in real life applications for learning, working cooperatively and creatively.   Hmmm… the spirit of Common Core perhaps?
Intersting.  The next year we did it again.  This time the challenge was to design a new kind of school, a whole new way of learning.  Unfortunately, it was not nearly as successful.  I think the kids were hampered by being in school for too many years.  They could not seem to think of a different way to learn, other than the one they had known for so long.  The big box of SCHOOL had limited their vision.  The project planning committee had wanted the teams to come up with a new way of structuring the school experience….and instead they concentrated more on how the school looked.  In fairness to the students – many of the creative ways of restructuring the school were met with opposition by the teacher mentors.  They kept saying “That would not work.  What about the Regents Exams? And on and on.”  If we were to do it again, I would drop one of the components.  To make it more real – we made it a two year project where they would bring their ideas to the school board for approval and funding.  I think that eventuality made the teacher team mentors close down on a lot of creative ideas, fearing that the school board would never approve it.  Oh well.  Live and learn.
Anyway, this book and the concept of simple living, if not a tiny house, are very interesting to me right now.
It is nice to have the time to think.  Now….if I could just walk and breathe at the same time.  Here’s hoping.  I start ANOTHER new treatment tomorrow.  Glad I have doctors who think out of the box!!

Ode to a Stove – and other things

Hello.  It has been a very long time. Retirement has not been exactly as I expected. I have discovered that once I was no longer in charge of a library…the winds of library land have changed for me considerably. I still do some reading on the topic, but find I no longer have the passion to write about libraries that I once had.  I feel sad about that.  But…to use the latest trite statement….I guess “it is what it is”.

Maybe it is the Common Core. I had so many hopes for that new initiative. It is hard to watch bureaucracies take a good idea and submit it to the soul-crushing vagaries of the sacred testing mill. The letter of the law certainly has a way of messing with the spirit. A grand idea that was supposed to empower teachers and emphasize student creativity, has devolved into a script for teachers to follow….squashing creativity of both student AND teacher. Sad.

Maybe it is the illness that has beset me since retiring. Not sure why – but I have developed intransigent breathing problems almost since the day I left. Having never smoked, drank, or led a rollicking wild life, I guess it is simply proof that “no good deed goes unpunished.” So …. here I am. I would like to volunteer, but as soon as I do, down comes the breathing problem and I am out of it for two weeks minimally. Oh well. There are worse problems.

One thing that I have gotten interested in is….cooking.  (Note to my children:  STOP laughing this minute!)  I have discovered that I really enjoy planning and cooking healthy meals, and reading about the agri-farming that is destroying our health. My favorite writers are Joel Salatin and Michael Pollen.

But nothing goes smoothly. My latest challenge has been the unfortunate demise of my oven. One day it simply refused to do its job.  The top of the stove worked fine – but the oven electronics acted strangely, and no heat was generated. Does one spring for a repair man for a 10 year old stove? There are few guidelines or health proxy/DNR contracts for appliances. Well – this afternoon, I decided to try to fire it up again. There have been so many power brown-outs in the past few days – you never know. Maybe a miracle might take place.  One of the outages appeared to have killed the oven and the broiler – but it now appears that the most recent one has brought them back to life again. Shades of Frankenstein! Both oven and broiler fired up with no problem at all, after having been left dormant for about 48 hours. So….should your oven give out in the future….just wait awhile. It might be brought back to life again by an errant power surge.

I must say, I was looking enviously at some of the new stove features. But now I can go back to praying for the demise of my refrigerator…..a truly demonic little beast that will most likely live forever….just to spite me. I actually like my stove, so am not too sad to witness its magical resuscitation!

Anyway  – those are my disjointed thoughts for the day. Maybe there will be a power surge to help the Common Core. I really like to write, so I need to find something to start yammering on about again.  I miss blogging…..

If I could just bottle the aromas!

The kitchen smells heavenly. I have spent the day making broccoli casserole, stuffing and cranberry relish. Yum! tomorrow…Christmas cookies.

The family has started to assemble. Jessica and Maggie arrived yesterday. Jessica (my 14 year old granddaughter) just noticed that there was an extra stocking hanging in the dining room. The reason? Because decorations need to be symmetrical of course! Jessica, ever on the lookout for ways to help, promptly said “if you need to FILL that stocking, I’d be willing to ‘Take One for the Team’!”. So generous of her!

My daughter and hubby arrived this afternoon and my son arrives tomorrow after work. All my chicks will be together and all is right with the world.