Nearest Book Meme

Meme begun by Stephen Abrams of Stephen’s Lighthouse, and continued by Doug Johnson at Blue Skunk.

The book that is right next to me right now is: The Dumbest Generation by Mark Bauerlein. I feel it is a much (and unfairly) maligned book with a lot of good things to say about (among other things) how learning could be improved by reading for pleasure. Lot’s of folks just can’t get past that title….

Anyway – in keeping with the meme rules – here is the 5th sentence on page 56.

The school year lasts only 30 weeks, leaving 22 weeks to plow through some trashy novels at the beach or pick up a popular text or two related to their studies, Freakanomics for econ majors, for instance.

Meme Rules:

* Get the book nearest to you. Right now.
* Go to page 56.
* Find the 5th sentence.
* Write this sentence – either here or on your blog.
* Copy these instructions as commentary of your sentence.
* Don’t look for your favorite book or your coolest but really the nearest.

I hope lots of people join in on this fun meme!